ConceptualPainting The Art of Margaret Dawn Pepper
ConceptualPaintingThe Art of Margaret Dawn Pepper

Welcome to ConceptualPainting, the art of Margaret Dawn Pepper

Welcome to ConceptualPainting. This website covers subjects relevant to our modern society in a rapidly changing world. We have many interesting and extraordinary items that you're sure to love.

NOTE The paintings on this website are divided into various sections, from London through to portraits,  however many fall into more than one category, so therefore I have inserted some into two or more pages, so that each category covers all relevant images relating to this main category heading.   The paintings should be viewed as  "Debating topics", rather than normal paintings.


Latest exciting news - film entitled "Margaret's Story" - see following link:-

Escape from EU Purgatory
Brexit to the Rescue!!
The Modern Plague Virus
My House in my country
Charity begins at home !!
The Death of Free Speech




Prints available at:

Latest Projects


Forthcoming exhibitions

Outsiders in London event/exhibition 30th March 2015 due to be held in the Crypt Gallery at St. Martins in the Fields church (next Trafalgar Square)



Helping to make film about what is relevant to people.


Involved in book project about table manners entitled "Getting laid"


I'm on BBC News Magazine!!

Unbelieveable, for stories go to:


And also in the Independent too. You can't make it up!!


I have now started to sell through Saatchi art website.  To see go to  website and type margaret pepper and it should bring images.

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© ConceptualPainting 2017